My mindset when it comes to decorating a rented house.

The day we moved in! I constantly get asked why I put so much time, energy and money into decorating a rented home that doesn’t belong to us. So I’ve been thinking about writing this blog post for a while now, but what prompted me to finally do it was a comment on one...

Adapting your interior style in a rented home.

I have done a whole series of posts about renting and how to make your rented house feel like home. As much as I truly believe that there’s so much you can do I also know that sometimes you have to just go with what you’ve got and it might not always be to...

10 instant kitchen updates for your rental home.

The kitchen is an integral part of most houses and is commonly referred to as the heart of the home, I know it certainly is in ours. It’s where many good times are shared over family dinners, we catch up on our day sharing the highs & lows, where important...

Rental Tips For Tenants – Part 4 – Overcoming reluctant Landlords

This is part 4 of my rental tips for tenants series. I get asked lots of questions about how we have been able to get away with changing the decor so much in our rented house. So this post is to try and help any frustrated tenants by attempting to persuade reluctant...

Rental Tips For Tenants – Part 3 – statement furniture

There used to be a real stigma to renting with people feeling embarrassed to mention it because others would think they can’t afford to get on the property ladder, or think they’re a low income earner or maybe a single Mum. That is not the case anymore,...

House Rental Tips For Tenants – Part 2 {Curtains & Blinds}

It’s been one whole year since I launched my website and started writing this blog!  *does a Happy Birthday jig*, So I felt it time for a few tweaks to both. For the past few weeks I’ve been tied up in a world of “widgets” and “plug...